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Bottleneck and Countermeasure of Sealing Material Enterprise Development

At present, the sealing material industry is facing new material and new product substitution, excess capacity, stricter environmental protection requirements and other issues. Enterprises in the industry are also facing the challenges of recruitment difficulties, high labor costs, low added value of products, and difficulty in collecting money. How to break through is a problem we need to explore urgently.

I. Bottlenecks in Development

(1) Viewed from the External Market Environment

1. Traditional non-metallic materials are replaced by metal seals. Nowadays, car engines seldom use non-metallic gaskets. After the self-emission upgrading of diesel engines, the service life of diesel engines has increased from 50,000 km to more than 150,000 km. The chemical industry is also replaced by metal seals. Therefore, the market demand of traditional non-metallic sealing materials is almost impossible to increase.

2. Investment in real estate, railways, highways, airports and so on has reached its peak, which has led to a decline in vehicle traffic; at the same time, fixed-line diesel buses will also be replaced by electric vehicles, so the demand for engines of freight cars, buses, ships and construction machinery will also decline, and consequently, sealing materials. Demand has fallen.

3. Environmental protection and safety regulations are becoming stricter and stricter day by day. Enterprises are investing more and more in technological reform and increasing marginal costs. However, the price of products can not be raised and lowered because of excess capacity. Enterprises are not only developing difficultly, but some even unable to survive.

4. It is difficult for enterprises to recruit workers, the high cost of employment and the serious shortage of skilled personnel. Especially, it involves the sensitive problem that benzene solvents and asbestos are harmful to human body. Most enterprises are far away from cities. It is very difficult for enterprises to recruit even operators, let alone skilled personnel with educational background. This is the most serious bottleneck restricting the development of the industry.

(2) Looking at the internal problems of enterprises

1. Lack of talent. College students do not know their major and will not come to this industry. Even if there are graduates of individual related majors applying for jobs, they will not be able to make achievements overnight because they need to master more technical categories and lack solid basic theoretical knowledge. Most young people nowadays can't stand loneliness. They have to wait three years, five years or even longer before they lose confidence and leave. It is impossible for enterprises to cultivate. Some enterprises even the children of their bosses are reluctant to take over, and the contradiction between successors and nobody is becoming more and more prominent.

2. The equipment is poor, the precision is low, and the automation degree of automatic control is seriously insufficient. Want to reform and lack of support, and large investment. In the reality of difficult financing and high financing cost, I am afraid few enterprises will focus on solving this bottleneck, which will lead to the decline of the overall capacity of the industry in the long run.

3. The low-end manufacturing capacity is seriously excessive and homogeneous, some of which are sub-optimal and counterfeit. Some enterprises continue to hold low-end and low-end asbestos manufacturing, directly losing the power of product innovation and upgrading, seriously blocking the development of high value-added asbestos-free products. If asbestos continues to be used, most enterprises and high-end products will be dragged to death. European and American enterprises push asbestos-free, I think it is not a simple environmental protection problem, because their dust control from mining to transportation to production are up to the standard, can be said to be more than ten times more advanced than the measures taken in our country now, and their transformation is precisely the strategic transformation of the industry. If they don't cancel the production of sealing materials from asbestos, they will be eliminated by big asbestos producers. This is a question worthy of reflection by our colleagues in the industry.

4, we lack the R & D team and perfect laboratory support, so we can not grasp the core technology and discourse power of the product, and has the final say in foreign products, allowing customers to make some unrealistic demands. Most enterprises can only follow up passively in the face of the current situation, or even have the suspicion of counterfeiting. As a result, our good asbestos-free products are sold at the price of cabbage, and no refunds are received, and foreign products and fake goods are allowed to impact the market, which makes enterprises lose the direction of research and development and innovation.

2. Response measures:

(1) First of all, I hope that people of insight in the industry will stop clinging to asbestos, because asbestos products are simple to process, large capacity, difficult to distinguish between good and bad, with a lot of falsehoods, low cost and lower value-added. If we continue to produce asbestos products, the industry will never get ahead, and finally there will be only one outcome, that is, shrinkage.

(2) Conditional enterprises should establish perfect laboratories to let users know that the quality of products has been strictly assessed, so as to strive for product quality voice and improve customer trust, so as to be able to compete with international counterparts on the same platform.

(3) Enterprises should carry out lean production. Why do our products always lag behind foreign counterparts? In addition to technical factors, most of the problems are caused by extensive management. Our present formula is "add a little oil, a little salt, a little monosodium glutamate, a little salt, a little salt and a little water" according to the method of home cooking. In the production process, the setting of process control parameters such as speed, time, temperature and pressure is mostly artificial. It is based on the empiricism concept of "almost all right", and the last difference is millimeter. Lost thousands of miles. Therefore, the development of lean production is our strong foundation and one of the indispensable conditions for sustainable development.

(4) Our industry should have the idea of innovative development and put the elimination of backward production capacity and asbestos products on the agenda. Only in this way can customers be guided to use asbestos-free products in an all-round way, thus increasing the added value of products in the whole industry.

(5) While satisfying the explicit requirements of users, enterprises should also satisfy them.